There are a lot of dog training tips that you can use to make your fall season with your dog easier.
The following tips will help you get the most out of your fall season with your dog.
1- Get a new bed for your pup to sleep on.
2- Buy a couple of new toys for him/her to play with when outside.
3- Make sure that all of the outdoor furniture is covered or moved inside before the weather gets too cold.
4- Get him/her used to wearing a sweater or jacket so that he/she isn't too cold when it gets really cold outside (this should be done before the weather gets bad).
5- Try putting a small blanket down in the grass so that if he/she does go potty there, it won't get so messy since wet grass can stain anything it touches).
Fall Safety Tips for Dogs:
-Don't let your dog eat anything he may find on the ground (like acorns!). Acorns can cause serious illness if ingested, so it's best to keep your dog from eating anything that he finds.
-Don't take your dog hiking if there's any chance of thunderstorms or flash floods in the area. Lightning strikes are common during storms, and even though most dogs don't realize what's going on when lightning strikes them, it can still cause serious injury or death in dogs who aren't wearing proper protection from weather conditions like this.
-If you live in an area where there could be ticks or fleas, make sure that you're using a product like Frontline Plus or Advantage II on your dog every month during the year so that they don't have to deal with tick or flea bites while they're playing outside in their yard or at a park. This product only helps prevent ticks and fleas from attaching themselves.
If you think your dog could use some professional training, Sit Happens Nashville is always available to help! Give us a call today to schedule a free in-home consultation for your pup!